6GB Disk Space
60GB Data Transfer
Dedicated IP address
Unlimited POP3 E-mails
SSH Secure Shell
Graphical Stats
Ensim Control Panel
24x7 Monitoring

Price: $399.00/yr

USAnetsol.com provides lowest cost in web hosting reseller. All plans come with unlimited domain name hosting.

Hosting Plan Basic Plus Pro
Yearly $199.00 buy $399.00 buy $599.00 buy
Setup Fee Free Free Free
Disk Space 3GB 6GB 10GB
Data Transfer 30GB 60GB 100GB
Dedicated IP address Yes Yes Yes
Domain Name Hosting Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
User Subdomains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Alias Subdomains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
User Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Domain Aliasing Yes Yes Yes
Majordomo Mailing Lists Yes Yes Yes
POP3 E-mail Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
IMAP E-mail Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Squirrelmail Webmail Yes Yes Yes
Vacation Auto-Responder Yes Yes Yes
E-mail Forward Yes Yes Yes
FTP Access Yes Yes Yes
SSH Secure Shell Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Linux Yes Yes Yes
PHP 4.2.2 Yes Yes Yes
Perl 5.6 Yes Yes Yes
Tomcat 4 JSP/Servlet Yes Yes Yes
MySql with PhpMyAdmin Yes Yes Yes
Python Yes Yes Yes
CGI-BIN Directory Yes Yes Yes
SSL Secure Server Yes Yes Yes
FrontPage Extensions Yes Yes Yes
Raw Server Logs Yes Yes Yes
Urchin Web Stats! Yes Yes Yes
Ensim 3.1.1 Control Panel Yes Yes Yes
Backup / Restore Yes Yes Yes
Web-Based File Manager Yes Yes Yes
Server Side Includes Yes Yes Yes
Pass. Protected Directories Yes Yes Yes
99.9% Uptime Guarantee Yes Yes Yes

1GB data transfer per month is approximately 50,000 pages request. 100GB data transfer per month is 5,000,000 pages request. This bandwidth calculation doesn't apply to sites that support files download such as adobe.com, macromedia.com or microsoft.com. See also Data Transfer FAQ for details

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