Control Panel
What is the Ensim Administration Control Panel?
The control panel allows you to manage your domain.
- Set up security features for an entire domain or just an individual
Web site.
- Manage the user accounts on an entire domain or just an individual
Web site.
- Set up protected directories on the Apache Web server.
- Set up your domain email and FTP features.
- Work with the directories and files on your domain.
- Back up data from your domain.
How do I access the administration panel?
In your web browser, enter your domain followed by /admin
example: https://www.yourdomain.com
How can I access reseller administration panel?
Click below or enter the following URL in your browser:
How can I access site administration panel before DNS
has propagated?
Click below or enter the following URL in your browser:
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Site Management
I can't access the site management console for my website
Make sure that you entered the correct siteadmin URL, https://www.yourdomain.com
and that you've been assigned Site Administration privileges.
If you still experience difficulties, please contact support@usanetsol.com
I can't access my statistics
Make sure that you entered the correct statistics URL, and that
you are a Site Admin (only Site Admins have access to web statistics).
By default, web usage statistics are set to generate every evening.
So if there has been no activity during a given period, statistics
may not be available for that timeframe.
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How do I connect via FTP?
Using an FTP client you can connect to your domain. Your FTP hostname
will be ftp.yourdomain.com
The username will be your administration username @ your domain.
example: admin@yourdomain.com
The password is your administration password.
How do I connect via FTP before DNS has propagated?
Connect with your FTP client to
The username will be your administration username @ your domain.
example: admin@yourdomain.com
The password is your administration password.
My FTP connection disconnected
The server will automatically disconnect you if your FTP session
remains inactive for a period of time (usually 3-5 minutes).
My FTP connection timed out
If your FTP connection timed out without connecting, check your
FTP settings to make sure you have specified the correct host
or IP address.
My FTP connection abruptly dropped while I was in the
middle of an upload
This can happen if, while uploading to your account, you approach
to within 3-5% of your maximum disk space. This is initiated by
the server as an emergency precautionary measure.
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When I upload my website, I still receive the default
placeholder page
Make sure you have uploaded to the correct /web/ folder (and not
your personal /web/ folder). This is the case 99% of the time.
If you have confirmed that your website was uploaded to the correct
/web/ folder, then check to see if the default placeholder page
(index.html)is still in place. If so, you need to either remove
or overwrite it.
When I upload my website, it places the files inside
my personal web folder
Make sure you have uploaded to the correct /web/ folder (and not
your personal /web/ folder). This is the case 99% of the time.
In your FTP settings or preferences, there should be a variable
called Directory, Remote Directory or Initial Remote Directory.
You need to enter '/web/' in this field.
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Frontpage Extension
How do I login using Microsoft Frontpage?
Microsoft Frontpage, File->Open Web, enter http://www.yourdomain.com
Login example.
Username: john (without @yourdomain.com)
Password: ****
When I publish my site, none of the FrontPage extensions
Be sure you published your site using the FrontPage Web Publisher.
Regular FTP programs tend to corrupt the FrontPage extensions.
When I publish with FrontPage98, it places the files
inside my personal web folder
We have encountered this problem on several occasions, and it
has been traced to a problem with the way FrontPage98 searches
for the root web and publishes files under certain configurations.
The only solution is to upgrade to FrontPage2000, which will solve
the problem completely.
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How do I use MySQL database?
You can access to your MySQL admin page through your siteadmin
http://www.yourdomain/admin. For further information about MySQL,
visit http://www.mysql.com
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Bandwidth Usage
Bandwidth usage is a simple equation - number of visits times
information sent in each visit. 5GB data transfer is ranging from
100,000-250,000 pages download a month! Larger files will increase
traffic usage, but our Pro Plan of 20G
bandwidth provide enough capacity for 99% of all web sites on
the Internet, and if your site is becoming the next Yahoo, simply
contact us to upgrade our Reseller Plan
for more bandwidth up to 100GB/month at an incredibly low cost.
(Estimated # of visitors per month) * (Average web page size)
* (Average # of pages viewed per visit) = Data Transfer Total
per Month
For example, let's say that you expect your site to attract an
average of 10,000 visitors per month. Further, your average web
page size is about 35 KB. You also expect that visitors will view
an average of 5 pages on your site each time they visit. You calculation
would be:
10,000 * 35 * 5 = 1,750,000 KB
So, your estimated monthly data transfer total is 1,750,000 KB
-- or about 1.75 MB. This is well below your 5000MB (5GB) limit.
See also Data Transfer FAQ for more
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